Feb 26. Plowing 4 or 5 inches of new snow. Zipping right along on my ATV and smacked a snow covered ice block. ATV stopped and I all but launched through the handle bars, but held on. Left arm, tore tendon or bicep. Holding on to the handle bars, I went forward (yeah, right) and both shoulder blades evidently meet. Bruised them good. Right side; Right arm traumatized. Wrist, elbow and shoulder separated and torn rotor cuff. Bicep also torn. I guess my separate shoulder is on the mend.
April 23 surgeon starts putting me back together. Fixing multiple rotor cuff tears, one partial tear and one complete tear. This gets healed up and then they make decisions on my torn biceps. Might just be the left that needs repaired.
April 23 surgeon starts putting me back together. Fixing multiple rotor cuff tears, one partial tear and one complete tear. This gets healed up and then they make decisions on my torn biceps. Might just be the left that needs repaired.