Jake --- Yer so close to a "12", but yer not quite "pullin the line".I re-convened with Monsewers Funk, Wagnel, and Webster last night, and my consultation revealed, that a "sabbatical leave" is a period of 1yr, or less absense for rest" Therefore, instead of being "a 20 year sabbatical" it should really be regarded to as "20 years of sabbatical leave".
I'm most anxious for the school marms to chime in here, and give us the official call.--- although I am sure they themselves'd will first hafta consult with the Monsewers as well.
I do figger y'all should get some kinda prize though, but I ain't totally figgered it out yet.--- I'm kinda leanin toards a "2nd place congradulations".
I'm most anxious for the school marms to chime in here, and give us the official call.--- although I am sure they themselves'd will first hafta consult with the Monsewers as well.
I do figger y'all should get some kinda prize though, but I ain't totally figgered it out yet.--- I'm kinda leanin toards a "2nd place congradulations".